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Название: Evaluation of neutron activation of intermetallic matrices for dispersive nuclear fuel obtained by SH-synthesis
Авторы: Balachkov, Maxim Mikhailovich
Dolmatov, Oleg Yurevich
Kuznetsov, Mikhail Sergeyevich
Kostyuchenko, Kristina Sergeevna
Pimenov, Nikita Olegovich
Permikin, Anton Andreevich
Ключевые слова: нейтронная активация; дисперсионное топливо; ядерное топливо; матричные материалы; ядерные реакторы; физико-математическое моделирование; активация; матрицы; облученное топливо
Дата публикации: 2020
Издатель: IOP Publishing
Библиографическое описание: Evaluation of neutron activation of intermetallic matrices for dispersive nuclear fuel obtained by SH-synthesis / M. M. Balachkov, O. Yu. Dolmatov, M. S. Kuznetsov [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2020. — Vol. 1439 : Modern Problems of Physics and Technology : VIII International Youth Scientific School-Conference (MPPT2019) 15–20 April 2019, Moscow, Russian Federation. — [012040, 6 p.].
Аннотация: The paper describes a technique for obtaining intermetallic matrix materials based on Zr-Al and Ni-Al systems for dispersive nuclear fuel. This type of fuel is planned to be used in existing and future high-temperature nuclear reactors. Physical and mathematical modelling of the process of activation of matrices by neutron radiation showed that upon reaching the value of thermal neutron fluence of the order of 2.76·1021 n·cm-2 , the activity of Zr-Al and Ni-Al matrices was 1.3·1010 and 0.2·1010 Bq/g, respectively. The analysis showed that in terms of exposure of irradiated fuel it is preferable to use a matrix based on the zirconium-aluminium system.
URI: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/64884
Располагается в коллекциях:Материалы конференций

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