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Title: Автоматизация установки для измерения параметров цифровых быстродействующих камер
Authors: Оздиев, Али Хосенович
Карпов, Дмитрий Андреевич
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Ливенцов, Сергей Николаевич
Keywords: автоматизация; установки; измерения; параметры; цифровые камеры
Issue Date: 2015
Citation: Оздиев А. Х. Автоматизация установки для измерения параметров цифровых быстродействующих камер / А. Х. Оздиев, Д. А. Карпов ; науч. рук. С. Н. Ливенцов // Перспективы развития фундаментальных наук : сборник научных трудов XII Международной конференция студентов и молодых ученых, г. Томск, 21-24 апреля 2015 г. — Томск : Изд-во ТПУ, 2015. — [С. 1521-1523].
Abstract: Current X-ray radiation sources allow investigation of dynamic processes in such fields as life sciences, nanotechnology, medicine etc. Measurements of the processes rely strongly on the performance of the detector system. High-speed digital cameras are the main component of indirect X-ray detector system. These cameras have a set of parameters which affect resulting data quality significantly. There are two major camera technologies used in the indirect detector systems which are only different in sensor architecture, i.e. CCD and CMOS sensors. In the current work we are presenting Visible Light Setup (VLS) that was designed and assembled at the Institute of Photon Science and Synchrotron Radiation of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Assembled test bench allows characterization of camera parameters such as: sensor nonuniformities, defect pixels, linearity, noise, spectral sensitivity etc. The process of measurements is timeconsuming especially for users who are new to the method and the VLS setup. The performed work was aimed at the automation of the VLS setup, which provides significant decrease of measurement time, increases accuracy and reproducibility of the measurements and also improves simplicity of utilization.
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