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Showing results 2915 to 2934 of 73016 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Hardware and Software Implementation for Solar Hot Water System in Northern Regions of RussiaTsvetkov, Nikolay; Boldyrev, Stanislav; Shilin, Aleksandr Anatoljevich; Krivoshein, Yuriy Olegovich; Tolstykh, Aleksandr Vital'yevich
2014Hardware and software implementation of telecommunication systems componentsKozhevnikov, D. S.; Shatilov, N. P.
2020Hardware Impaired Self-Energized Bidirectional Sensor Networks over Complex Fading ChannelsPanic, Stefan; Dzhayakodi (Jayakody) Arachshiladzh, Dushanta Nalin Kumara; Affes, Sofiene; Muthuchidambaranathan, P.
2017Hardware-software complex of informing passengers of forecasted route transport arrival at stopPogrebnoy, Vadim Yurievich; Pushkarev, Maksim Ivanovich; Fadeev, Aleksandr Sergeevich
2017The Harmony Initiative: what`s pros and cons?Gutova, K. A.
2014Harnessing the capabilities of spray granulation in the food industry for the production of functional foodsTikhonova, I. N.; Popov, A. M.; Tikhonov, Nikolai Victorovich; Tikhonov, Viktor Vladimirovich
2014Harvesting lightning energyStepanchenko, O. E.
2016Healthcare Effectiveness as a Wellbeing Factor. WorkforceKudelina, Olga; Eremina (Eriomina), Sofia Leonidovna; Engelbrecht, Rolf; Golovkina, Julia
2017Healthcare Efficiency as a Wellbeing Factor in the Siberian Federal DistrictKudelina, Olga; Eremina (Eriomina), Sofia Leonidovna; Kudelin, Nikita
2016Healthcare management - новая технология стимулирования персоналаКочергина, А. А.
2015Heap leaching. Computer simulation as an alternative technologyGroznova, I. N.
2015Heart condition imaging with the help of hardware and software complex based on the cardiographic equipment on nanosensorsGrigoriev, Mikhail Georgievich; Babich, L. N.
2015Heart condition imaging with the help of hardware and software complex based on the cardiographic equipment on nanosensorsGrigoriev, Mikhail Georgievich; Babich, L. N.
2015Heart Condition Imaging with the Help of Hardware and Software Complex Based on the Cardiographic Equipment on NanosensorsGrigoriev, Mikhail Georgievich; Linhoboev, B. S.; Avdeeva, Diana Konstantinovna
2015Heat and Mass Transfer at Hot Surface Ignition of Coal ParticleGlushkov, Dmitry Olegovich; Kosintsev, Andrey; Shlegel, Nikita; Vershinina, Kseniya Yurievna
2015Heat and Mass Transfer During Heating of Coal-Water Fuel Partcales Coated with a Water Film in a Hight Temperature Gas MediumSalomatov, Vladimir; Syrodoy, Semen Vladimirovich; Gutareva, Nadezhda Yurievna
2015Heat and Mass Transfer in a High-Porous Low-Temperature Thermal Insulation in Real Operating ConditionsPolovnikov, Vyacheslav Yurievich; Habibulin, Artem; Arkhipov, Vladimir; Zharova, Irina
2016Heat losses of energy excitation in phosphorAngyang Ju; Lisitsyn, Viktor Mikhailovich; Stepanov, Sergey Aleksandrovich
2016Heat Mode Electronic Devices at Elevated External TemperaturesKravchenko, Evgeny Vladimirovich; Vershinina, Kseniya Yurievna; Boykova, Tamara
2021The heat supply object thermal regime under conditions of gas infrared emitter and air exchange system joint operationKuznetsov, Geny Vladimirovich; Maksimov, Vyacheslav Ivanovich; Nagornova, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Vyatkin, Aleksandr Vitaljevich