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Title: Hard X–ray Laue monochromator
Authors: Kocharian (Kocharyan), Vagan Rashidovich
Gogolev, Aleksey Sergeevich
Kiziridi, A. A.
Batranin, Andrey Viktorovich
Muradyan, T. R.
Keywords: монохроматоры; дифракция; рентгеновские лучи; атомные плоскости; монокристаллы; пучки
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Citation: Hard X–ray Laue monochromator / V. R. Kocharian (Kocharyan) [et al.] // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 135 : Issues of Physics and Technology in Science, Industry and Medicine : VIII International Scientific Conference, 1–3 June 2016, Tomsk, Russia : [proceedings]. — [012018, 5 p.].
Abstract: Experimental studies of X-ray diffraction from reflecting atomic planes (1011) of X-cut quartz single crystal in Laue geometry influenced by the temperature gradient were carried out. It is shown that by using the temperature gradient it is possible to reflect a hard Xray beam with photon energy near the 100 keV with high efficiency. It has been experimentally proved that the intensity of the reflected beam can be increased by more than order depending on the value of the temperature gradient.
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