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Title: Методы оценки рыночных сегментов предприятия
Authors: Дудникова, А. В.
Keywords: рыночные сегменты; предприятия; маркетинг; потребители; прибыль
Issue Date: 2015
Citation: Дудникова А. В. Методы оценки рыночных сегментов предприятия / А. В. Дудникова // Информационные технологии в науке, управлении, социальной сфере и медицине : сборник научных трудов II Международной конференции, 19-22 мая 2015 г., Томск. — Томск : Изд-во ТПУ, 2015. — [С. 399-402].
Abstract: Market segmentation is one of the main directions of marketing activity, which allows to accumulate funds on a particular line of business. The firm may not have enough resources to operate on the market. Therefore, the company is looking for profitable segment, which is consistent with its resources and opportunities. The importance of this block of business valuation is great and clear: if there is no consumption there is no business. Basic principles of segmentation, as well as evaluation methods of consumer segments will be described in this article.
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