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Title: Key factors of efficient organization management
Authors: Firsankov, I. E.
Фирсанков, И. Е.
Keywords: electronic resource; definition of leadership; Manager; leader; competition; organization development
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Томский политехнический университет
Citation: Firsankov I. E. Key factors of efficient organization management / I. E. Firsankov ; sci. adv. I. F. Zernin ;lang. adv. Yu. A. Chaika (Chayka) // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. — 2014. — № 5. — [3 p.].
Abstract: Issues of efficiency of organization management are examined in the article. Aggressive competition between companies; what’s the difference between manager and leader; who is a leader; personal qualities of strong charismatic leaders etc. Particular attention is paid to the question of possibility to become a leader or to be born a leader.
В статье рассмотрены основные черты настоящего лидера, затронута тема различия между лидером и менеджером, а также освещён вопрос о том, можно ли стать лидером.
ISSN: 2312-2978
Appears in Collections:Journal of Economics and Social Sciences

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