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Title: Влияния концентрации иона празеодима на люминесцентные свойства стекол, активированных Tb/Pr
Other Titles: The effect concentration of praseodymium ions on luminescence properties of doped Tb/Pr glasses
Authors: Ли, Синьлэй
Ваганов, Виталий
Валиев, Дамир Талгатович
Полисадова, Елена Фёдоровна
Keywords: концентрация; празеодим; люминесцентные свойства; стекла; люминесценция
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Влияния концентрации иона празеодима на люминесцентные свойства стекол, активированных Tb/Pr / С. Ли [и др.] // Материалы и технологии новых поколений в современном материаловедении : сборник трудов Международной конференции, г. Томск, 9-11 июня 2016 г. — Томск : Изд-во ТПУ, 2016. — [С. 359-362].
Abstract: The phosphate glasses doped with rare-earth ions has been used in lasers, scintillators, displays, sensors. The effect of concentration Pr[3]+ ions on the spectral and decay kinetic characteristics cathodoluminescence for lithium-phosphate-borate glasses doped Tb/Pr was studied. The luminescence emission from all the samples is in the “blue-green” spectrum. The groups of intensive emission lines located at 488, 543, 585, and 620 nm are assigned to the emission transitions from the 5D3 excited state to the {7}F[6], {7}F[5], {7}F[4], and {7}F[3] ground states, respectively. An increase in the amount of ions Pr3+ from 0.2 to 1 wt.% leads to a decrease the intensity of emissive Tb[3]+ ions and the relative light output. The Luminescence decay of glasses occurs in the millisecond range, keeping praseodymium causes a decrease of luminescence decay time.
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