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Title: Well-being and the Role of Working-Environment Factor: Research and Assessment
Authors: Kaz, Mikhail Semenovich
Kuchkartaeva, Anastasiya
Keywords: благополучие; окружающая среда; рабочие места; удовлетворенность; работа
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Future Academy
Citation: Kaz M. S. Well-being and the Role of Working-Environment Factor: Research and Assessment / E. Kaz, A. Kuchkartaeva // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS). — 2016. — Vol. 7 : Lifelong Wellbeing in the World (WELLSO 2015) : II International Scientific Symposium, 18-22 May 2015, Tomsk, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [P. 309-315].
Abstract: Orientation research on the study of the strengths of the person, as opposed to traditional studies, paying more attention to weaknesses personality, contributed to the formation and expansion of scientific interest in the issues of human well-being in the workplace and in everyday life. This article discusses the concept of "subjective well-being", the concept of "job satisfaction". The method for the determination of industrial environmental factors that have a positive or negative impact on the well-being in the workplace, based on the principles of cognitive approach has been proposed. The article shows that testing of this methodology in the survey of employees of several enterprises (definition of personal constructs workers, and data processing methods of factor analysis) reveals the mental structures. They are formed in the minds of workers under the influence of external stimuli (reconstruct their perceptions of reality). The study confirmed the sensitivity of the technique to a system of subjective perceptions of the individual. The article proposes a new direction of research, by the term "world of work". The article discusses the distinction between traditional definitions of research in the field of employment and the concept of the "world of work".
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