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Title: Effect of the Heat Flux Density on the Evaporation Rate of a Distilled Water Drop
Authors: Ponomarev, Konstantin Olegovich
Orlova, Evgeniya Georgievna
Feoktistov, Dmitriy Vladimirovich
Keywords: тепловые потоки; испарения; капли; вода; тепловые потоки; поверхности; цветные металлы
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: EDP Sciences
Citation: Ponomarev K. O. Effect of the Heat Flux Density on the Evaporation Rate of a Distilled Water Drop / K. O. Ponomarev, E. G. Orlova, D. V. Feoktistov // European Physical Journal Web of Conferences (EPJ Web of Conferences). — 2016. — Vol. 110 : Thermophysical Basis of Energy Technologies : Proceedings of the Conference, October 13-15, 2015, Tomsk, Russia. — [01060, 4 p.].
Abstract: This paper presents the experimental dependence of the evaporation rate of a nondeaerated distilled water drop from the heat flux density on the surfaces of non-ferrous metals (copper and brass). A drop was placed on a heated substrate by electronic dosing device. To obtain drop profile we use a shadow optical system; drop symmetry was controlled by a high-speed video camera. It was found that the evaporation rate of a drop on a copper substrate is greater than on a brass. The evaporation rate increases intensively with raising volume of a drop. Calculated values of the heat flux density and the corresponding evaporation rates are presented in this work. The evaporation rate is found to increase intensively on the brass substrate with raising the heat flux density.
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