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Title: Oil and Gas Exploration Planning using VOI Technique
Authors: Peskova, D. N.
Sizykh, A. V.
Rukavishnikov, Valery Sergeevich
Keywords: нефтегазодобыча; планирование; месторождения; геологоразведочные работы; бурение; разведочные скважины
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Citation: Peskova D. N. Oil and Gas Exploration Planning using VOI Technique / D. N. Peskova, A. V. Sizykh, V. S. Rukavishnikov // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2016. — Vol. 33 : Contemporary Issues of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Hydrogeoecology in Eurasia : All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation on Contemporary Issues, 23–27 November 2015, Tomsk, Russia. — [012032, 6 p.].
Abstract: Paper deals with actual problem about making decisions during field development. The main aim was to apply method "Value of information" in order to estimate the necessity of field exploration works and show the effectiveness of this method. The object of analysis - field X, which is located in the Eastern Siberia. The reservoir is B13 formation of Vend age. The Field has complex structure, and divided into blocks by faults. During evaluation of the project, main uncertainties and oil in place were obtained for three blocks of the field. According to uncertainty analysis, it was suggested to drill a new exploration well, and value of information method was applied to estimate results from this exploration works. Economic evaluation of the value of information method was made by choosing optimal development strategy. According to the obtained results, drilling of the exploration wells for blocks 1 and 3 of the field X is a good decision, while drilling a well in the second block is risky and not recommended. Also using the value of information, optimal well locations were advised - well l_le for the first block, and well 3_3 for the third block.
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