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Title: Fluorine distribution during thermal treatment of sulfuric acid leaching products of complex beryllium raw materials at JSC UMP
Authors: Borsuk, A. N.
Zherin, Ivan Ignatyevich
Amelina, Galina Nikolayevna
Pivovarov, I .
Keywords: термическая обработка; серная кислота; выщелачивание; бериллиевые руды; рентгеновская дифракция; инфракрасная спектроскопия; термогравиметрия; масс-спектрометрия; фтор
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Citation: Fluorine distribution during thermal treatment of sulfuric acid leaching products of complex beryllium raw materials at JSC UMP / A. N. Borsuk [et al.] // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 135 : Issues of Physics and Technology in Science, Industry and Medicine : VIII International Scientific Conference, 1–3 June 2016, Tomsk, Russia : [proceedings]. — [012005, 6 p.].
Abstract: X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetry and mass spectrometry were employed to study the behavior and distribution of fluorine in sulfuric acid treatment of the melt of beryl-bertrandite-phenakite-fluorite concentrates with alkali fluxes. It was established that fluorine in a solid phase is predominantly present in the form of sodium and calcium fluorosilicates and in a gaseous phase it is evolved in the form of silicon tetrafluoride and fluorosulfonic acid.
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