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Title: Characterization of Copper and Aluminum AC Electrochemical Oxidation Products
Authors: Usoltseva, Natalia Vasilievna
Korobochkin, Valery Vasilievich
Balmashnov, Mikhail Aleksandrovich
Dolinina, Alesya Sergeevna
Keywords: медь; алюминий; переменный ток; электрохимическое окисление; электролиз; оксид меди; малахит; оксид алюминия; структуры; AC electrolysis; copper oxide; malachite; aluminum oxide; BET; pore structure; surface area; SEM-EDS analysis
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Characterization of Copper and Aluminum AC Electrochemical Oxidation Products [Electronic resource] / N. V. Usoltseva [et al.] // Procedia Chemistry . — 2014 . — Vol. 10 : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in XXI century . — [P. 320-325] .
Abstract: Non-equilibrium electrochemical metal oxidation is one of the methods to obtain the power-saturated nanosized metal oxides. AC electrochemical separate copper and aluminum oxidation in an aqueous sodium chloride solution is performed. It results in the phase transformations of the obtained copper (I) oxide and boehmite during the storing in solution. Phase composition, pore structure characteristics and morphology of the products are considered. Their pore structure is preferably formed by mesopores. Carbonate ion adsorption of metal oxides/oxyhydroxides is due to their high affinity. The contamination of the power-saturated nanosized products of electrolysis with carbon-containing impurities is not a problem because some undesirable compounds may be removed by heat treatment, but others do not negatively affect the operating performance. Product of AC electrochemical copper oxidation is characterized by particle shape anisotropy (spindle-shaped particles of copper oxide and copper carbonate hydroxide wire bundles) that positively affects the some properties. The product of AC electrochemical aluminum oxidation has a flower-like structure.
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