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Title: Luminescent diagnostics of led heterostructures based on InGaN/GaN
Authors: Oleshko, Vladimir Ivanovich
Sysoeva, Svetlana
Sychova, Anna
Li Zixuan
Keywords: диагностика; гетероструктуры; электронные пучки; катодолюминесценция; фотолюминесценция; luminescent diagnostics; LED heterostructures; InGaN/GaN; high-current electron beam; cathodoluminescence; photoluminescence
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Luminescent diagnostics of led heterostructures based on InGaN/GaN / V. I. Oleshko [et al.] // Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2016) : International Congress, October 2–7, 2016, Tomsk, Russia : abstracts. — Tomsk : TPU Publishing House, 2016. — [P. 379].
Appears in Collections:Материалы конференций

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