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Title: Neo-Industrial Technological Convergence and Social Wellbeing
Authors: Zhironkin, Sergey Aleksandrovich
Gasanov, Magerram Ali Ogly
Zhironkina, O.
Keywords: life-time social wellbeing; neo-industrialization of economy; industrial development; convergence technologies; network clusters; неоиндустриализация; промышленное развитие; конвергентные технологии; кластеры; социальное благополучие
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Future Academy
Citation: Zhironkin S. A. Neo-Industrial Technological Convergence and Social Wellbeing / S. A. Zhironkin, M. A. Gasanov, O. Zhironkina // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS). — 2017. — Vol. 19 : Lifelong Wellbeing in the World (WELLSO 2016) : III International Scientific Symposium, 11-16 September 2016, Tomsk, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [P. 753-760].
Abstract: The article reveals the relationship between industrial development and the level of social wellbeing of the population. It is noted that the market transformation of Russian economy caused technological degradation and industry stagnation, which resulted in the drop of the social wellbeing of citizens who retired. The authors determined that technological industrial degradation is having a particularly negative impact on the life quality. This makes the social wellbeing of the population in the country, passing through the painful market reforms, not life-time, with marginalization of the majority of senior citizens. For the formation of a truly life-time social wellbeing in countries with transitive economy such as Russia, it is necessary to restore its industry on a new technological basis - neo-industrialization. Its implementation in Russian economy requires a number of phases during which natural resources should to be used to restore the competitive manufacturing industry, form the basis of an innovative economy and modern high-tech industries. Long time required for neo-industrialization of transitive economies, allows to create a social group with the life-time wellbeing, which will be determined not by the high social state benefits, but by the possibility of long-term usage of gained professional experience. Convergent technologies are being formed in innovative clusters of network type, and help to establish the life-time wellbeing for specialists who used them for their whole life. Primarily forming of life-time wellbeing in the segment of convergent technologies requires the integration of social and innovation governmental policy, support of the developing network information clusters.
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