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Title: Analyzing the actions of the Administration of Novy Vasyugan rural settlement
Authors: Martynov, I. A.
Tokmasheva, D. D.
Keywords: structures; administration; структура; деятельность; программы развития; сельское поселение; муниципальное образование; администрация
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Томский политехнический университет
Citation: Martynov I. A. Analyzing the actions of the Administration of Novy Vasyugan rural settlement / I. A. Martynov, D. D. Tokmasheva // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. — 2017. — № 10. — [5 p.].
Abstract: The paper analyzes the actions of the Administration of Novy Vasyugan rural settlement. Novy Vasyugan is a village in Tomsk oblast and an administrative center of rural settlement. The Administration is a key element of a democratic society. Every citizen deals with an administration. Nowadays it is developing and legislative branch does not work in a perfect way as its financial and economic resources are limited. The paper describes the structure of rural administration: the duties of municipal bodies, its rights. The goals and results of Novy Vasyugan municipal programs are described: socio-economic growth plan, fire safety municipal target program, energy efficiency municipal target program and antiextremism complex municipal program.
ISSN: 2312-2978
Appears in Collections:Journal of Economics and Social Sciences

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