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Title: Development Of Organizational Methods For Introduction Of Risk Management In It-Projects
Authors: Nikolaenko, Valentin Sergeevich
Riatshencev, Igor Vladimirovich
Keywords: risk; risk management; IT-project; IT-проекты; управление рисками; риски; организационные методы
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Future Academy
Citation: Nikolaenko V. S. Development Of Organizational Methods For Introduction Of Risk Management In It-Projects / V. S. Nikolaenko, I. V. Riatshencev // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS). — 2017. — Vol. 26 : Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI 2016) : International Conference, 07-10 November 2016, Tomsk, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [P. 698-705].
Abstract: The article describes the organizational methods of the process of introduction of risk management in IT-projects. These organizational methods make it possible to eliminate the contradiction that arises among the requirements addressed to the risk management executives of IT-organizations, IT-project managers, practitioners. The essence of the contradiction lies in the fact that risk management should provide maximum convergence of the actual and planned results (a variation of less than 5%), but it should not change the existing model of management in IT-projects (Waterfall, Agile, etc.). We shall note that in 2014, according to The Standish Group International, a variation between actual and planned results in IT-projects was 89%. The article also presents the results of experimental testing of organizational methods of the process of introduction of risk management in an IT-project, according to which the variation between actual and planned results was 4.5%. The results of the study will be of interest to project managers, project team members and also all who are engaged in project activities.
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