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Title: Phenomenological model of mechanoelectric transformations in rocks
Authors: Fedotov, Pavel Ivanovich
Kargina, E. A.
Keywords: феноменологические модели; механоэлектрические преобразования; горные породы; разрушения; подземные рудники; электромагнитные сигналы; трещины; теория надежности; перколяция
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Citation: Fedotov P. I. Phenomenological model of mechanoelectric transformations in rocks / P. I. Fedotov, E. A. Kargina // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2018. — Vol. 289 : Modern Technologies for Non-Destructive Testing : 6th International Conference, 9–14 October 2017, Tomsk, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [012033, 6 p.].
Abstract: A phenomenological model is proposed on the example of the rock destruction development in underground mines. The characteristics of the electromagnetic signal generated due to the appearance and change of the dipole moment of cracks, whose beads are charged when the discontinuity is disturbed, are analytically investigated. The model is constructed using the theory of reliability and percolation theory, which allows to take into account the non-synchronism of the mechanical converters.
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