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Title: Trust In The Structure Of Organization’s Social Interaction: Evaluation And Management
Authors: Kaz, Evgeniya
Keywords: social and labor relations; trust; organization’s life cycle; social interaction; organization’s configuration; социальные отношения; трудовые отношения; жизненный цикл; организации; социальное взаимодействие
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Future Academy
Citation: Kaz E. Trust In The Structure Of Organization’s Social Interaction: Evaluation And Management / E. Kaz // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS). — 2018. — Vol. 38 : Lifelong Wellbeing in the World (WELLSO 2017) : IV International Scientific Symposium, 11-15 September 2017, Tomsk, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [P. 191-197].
Abstract: The paper studies trust as an important factor that has a significant impact on social interaction within an organization. It describes the trust management tool developed by us and approved in the company. This tool allows us not only to identify the divisions of an organization that are required in trust building, but also to propose a new approach to formation of a reserve for the rotation of managers and the selection of candidates for the senior positions in the "problem divisions". It contributes to improve the quality of social interaction not only in the individual divisions, but also in the whole company. The elaborated tool is based on the principles of the situational approach, which requires identification of the environmental parameters. The type of an organization's configuration, the stage of an organization's life cycle and the functional features of organization's structural parts are put forward for the role of such environmental parameters. The assessment of the actual level of trust was carried out by analyzing the interaction between the employees of an organization by using the method of paired comparisons. It helps to calculate the coefficients of interpersonal distance. The capabilities of the multidimensional scaling method were used to visualize the results, along with calculating the coefficients of interpersonal distance.
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