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Title: Социальное предпринимательство: проблемы и пути их решения
Other Titles: Social entrepreneurship: problems and ways of their solution
Authors: Влюбчак, А. А.
Барышева, Галина Анзельмовна
Ань Динь Тхи Фыонг
Keywords: public private partnership; social entrepreneurship; socially-oriented non-profit organizations; social sphere; государственно-частное партнерство; социальное предпринимательство; некоммерческие организации; социальная сфера; предпринимательская деятельность
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Изд-во ТПУ
Citation: Влюбчак А. А. Социальное предпринимательство: проблемы и пути их решения / А. А. Влюбчак, Г. А. Барышева, Ань Динь Тхи Фыонг // Информационные технологии в науке, управлении, социальной сфере и медицине : сборник научных трудов V Международной научной конференции, 17-21 декабря 2018 г., Томск : в 2 ч. — Томск : Изд-во ТПУ, 2018. — Ч. 2. — [С. 432-435].
Abstract: For modern constantly developing societies, it is normal to create categories in the process of the activity of the participants of socio-economic processes themselves. Practice is theoretical, and theory is pragmatic, because it creates those concepts in which «practice» exists and develops. Such a category is "social entrepreneurship", which is "umbrella" for a number of socio-economic phenomena. The general term for social entrepreneurship includes those types of entrepreneurial activity that contradict the traditional notion of entrepreneurship as an activity of independent economic entities aimed at maximizing their profits. The development of social entrepreneurship is an indicator of the quality of the business climate in the region and requires a set of measures to ensure the mechanism and access of non-governmental organizations to the provision of services in the social sphere, the provision of state support to socially-oriented non-profit organizations, and the promotion of the development of PPP practices in the social sphere.
Appears in Collections:Материалы конференций

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