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Title: Dynamic behavior prediction of lithium polymer battery for low-power Solar PV applications
Authors: Rohit, Amit Kumar
Rangnekar, Saroj
Keywords: lithium polymer battery; pulse discharge test; battery characteristics; state of charge; solar PV module; dynamic behav-ior of battery; литиевые аккумуляторы; импульсные разряды; батареи; заряд; солнечные модули; фотоэлектрические модули; динамическое поведение
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Томский политехнический университет
Citation: Rohit A. K. Dynamic behavior prediction of lithium polymer battery for low-power Solar PV applications / A. K. Rohit, S. Rangnekar // Resource-Efficient Technologies. — 2018. — № 4. — [P. 1-13].
Abstract: With an increase in the amount of renewable, solar photovoltaic in particular, developing efficient energy storage media will become increasingly important. Batteries are one of the most common storage devices, and the maximum runtime and dynamic behavior of batteries play an important role in various energy storage applications. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the battery behavior during charging and discharging operation. This study aims to analyze the properties of a lithium polymer battery to support low-power Solar PV applications through experiment and simulation with a goal of understanding its electrical behavior. A simple experimental test procedure was used to determine the various electric parameters required to develop a model of the battery. Simulations results at various C rates captured the dynamic behavior of the lithium polymer battery, revealing an acceptable trade-off between accuracy and complexity.
ISSN: 2405-6537
Appears in Collections:Resource-Efficient Technologies

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