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Title: Development of oil and gaz industry in the world
Authors: Aya Christelle Desiree Kouadio
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Dukart, Sergey Aleksandrovich
Keywords: oil and gas industry; development and trends; challenges and market segmentation; нефтегазовая отрасль; развитие; тенденции; проблемы; сегментация; рынок; нефтяная промышленность; газовая промышленность
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Aya Christelle Desiree Kouadio. Development of oil and gaz industry in the world / Aya Christelle Desiree Kouadio ; sci. adv. S. A. Dukart // Непрерывное благополучие в мире : сборник научных трудов V Международного научного симпозиума, г. Томск, 24-28 апреля 2018 г. — Томск : STT, 2018. — [С. 50-61].
Abstract: Oil has been and in the future will remain the leading resource of the world economy, the most valuable and popular resource on the planet today. That is why the development and trend of the role of oil and gas is more relevant than ever in the modern world. The purpose of work is to develop areas of oil and gas industry in the world. The Objective is to present the current development and trends of the oil and gas industry in the world; Rate diversification, challenges and market segmentation; identify companies and countries that affect the world market and the oil and gas industry in the future. Results: That will probably hold true until, one day in the future, it will be more economical to leave the remaining oil in the earth's crust rather than extracting it. The necessary adjustments during this long period of transition will in any case bring great business opportunities for those who have the courage to innovate and try out new ways to produce and use oil and gas. "When you look at the growth in consumption, it quickly becomes clear that oil and gas will remain very important for the next few decades at least", says Lisa Davis. "Of course we also need renewable energy sources. At least for the time being, we simply need everything we have. And that includes oil and gas".
Appears in Collections:Материалы конференций

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