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Title: Стратегии самостоятельного изучения грамматических явлений английского языка в научных и академических целях
Other Titles: Strategies for independent studies of English grammar for scientific and academic purposes
Authors: Лидер, Андрей Маркович
Слесаренко, Инга Валерьевна
Keywords: самостоятельное изучение; английский язык; научные цели; коммуникация; грамматические навыки; иностранные языки; самообучение; научное общение
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Лидер А. М. Стратегии самостоятельного изучения грамматических явлений английского языка в научных и академических целях / А. М. Лидер, И. В. Слесаренко // Современные технологии, экономика и образование : сборник трудов Всероссийской научно-методической конференции, г. Томск, 27-29 декабря 2019 г. — Томск : Изд-во ТПУ, 2019. — [С. 131-133].
Abstract: English language proficiency is vital for academics working in higher education. English serves as the means of written and spoken interaction among researchers, teaching staff, and students. Research and teaching activities are performed in English as international language of science communication and networking. When functioning in predominantly monolingual environment the necessity to brush up and enhance skills in English as foreign language arises. Grammar, above all, is viewed in this respect as the integral and core component of foreign language skills. Thus, figuring out the ways and means for mastering, reviewing and revising grammatical skills on one`s own using books and online materials is essential. It is also important when working with students and building communication in English to be able to equip students with certain strategies to sustain their foreign language skills to enable mutually productive meaningful communication about science, teaching and learning. The above said conditions the relevance of the topic chosen.
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