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Title: Generalised point vortices on a plane
Authors: Galajinsky, Anton Vladimirovich
Keywords: точечные вихри; интегрируемые системы; масштабность; симметрия; суперсимметрия; point vortices; integrable systems; scale symmetry; supersymmetry
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishing Company Inc
Citation: Galajinsky, A. V. Generalised point vortices on a plane / A. V. Galajinsky // Physics Letters B. — 2022. — Vol. 829. — [137119, 5 p.].
Abstract: A three-vortex system on a plane is known to be minimally superintegrable in the Liouville sense. In this work, integrable generalisations of the three-vortex planar model, which involve root vectors of simple Lie algebras, are proposed. It is shown that a generalised system, which is governed by a positive definite Hamiltonian, admits a natural integrable extension by spin degrees of freedom. It is emphasised that the n-vortex planar model and plenty of its generalisations enjoy the nonrelativistic scale invariance, which gives room for possible holographic applications.
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