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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Application of Cherenkov Diffraction Radiation for Charged Particle Beam DiagnosticsKarataev, P.; Bergamaschi, M.; Bobb, L.; Curcio, A.; Gogolev, Sergey Yurevich; Fedorov, K.; Harryman, D.; Kieffer, R.; Lefevre, T.; Lekomtsev, K.; Mazzoni, S.; Pacey, T.; Potylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich; Saveliev, Y.
2019Application of Timepix Detector for Measurement of X-rays Produced by a Low-intensity Electron Beam Passing Through a Periodic TargetGogolev, Aleksey Sergeevich; Potylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich; Filatov, Nikolay Alexandrovich; Shchagin, A. V.; Kubankin, A. S.; Nazhmudinov, R. M.; Trofymenko, S. V.; Kube, G.; Potylitsina-Kube, N. A.; Stanitzki, M.; Diener, R.; Novokshonov, A.
2019Characteristics of Smith-Purcell Radiation and Grating Transition Radiation from Gratings with Variable ProfileNaumenko, Gennadiy Andreevich; Potylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich; Shevelev, Mihail Viktorovich; Shkitov, Dmitriy Andreevich; Popov, K. E.; Vukolov, Artem Vladimirovich
2015Characteristics of Smith-Purcell Radiation in Millimeter and Submillimeter Wavelength RegionNaumenko, Gennadiy Andreevich; Potylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich; Sukhikh, Leonid Grigorievich; Popov, Yuriy Anatolevich; Shevelev, Mihail Viktorovich; Bleko, Vitold Vladislavovich
2016Characteristics of Smith-Purcell radiation in millimeter wavelength regionNaumenko, Gennadiy Andreevich; Potylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich; Karataev, Pavel Vladimirovich; Bleko, Vitold Vladislavovich; Sukhikh, Leonid Grigorievich; Shevelev, Mihail Viktorovich; Popov, Yuriy Anatolevich
2016Coherent Cherenkov radiation as an intense THz sourceBleko, Vitold Vladislavovich; Karataev, Pavel Vladimirovich; Konkov (Kon'kov), Anatoliy Sergeevich; Kruchinin, Konstantin Olegovich; Naumenko, Gennadiy Andreevich; Potylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich; Vaughan, Thomas
2019Coherent OTR as a Tool for Transverse Bunch Size MeasurementsPotylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich; Gusvitskii, T.; Sukhikh, Leonid Grigorievich; Kubeb, G.; Novokshonov, A.
2015Diffraction and Vavilov-Cherenkov Radiation as a Novel Source of THz RadiationBleko, Vitold Vladislavovich; Karataev, Pavel Vladimirovich; Konkov (Kon'kov), Anatoliy Sergeevich; Kruchinin, Konstantin Olegovich; Naumenko, Gennadiy Andreevich; Potylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich; Vaughan, Thomas
2015Effect of temperature gradient on parametric X-Ray radiation. Status of experimentMkrtchan, Alpik Rafaelovich; Mkrtchyan, Artak; Potylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich; Kocharian, Vagan Rashidovich; Nikoghosyan, Valery; Vukolov, Artem Vladimirovich; Novokshonov, Artem Igorevich; Gogolev, Aleksey Sergeevich; Wagner, Aleksandr Rudolfovich; Movsisyan, Artur
2016Electron beam diagnostics tool based on Cherenkov radiation in optical fibersVukolov, Artem Vladimirovich; Novokshonov, Artem Igorevich; Potylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich; Uglov, Sergey Romanovich
2021Electron beam position monitor based on optical diffraction radiationGusvitskii, T. M.
2015Electron Bunch Length Diagnostics for the LUCX Facility based on the Coherent Off-axis Undulator RadiationShkitov, Dmitriy Andreevich; Urakawa, Junji; Potylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich
2019Feasibility of Optical Cherenkov Radiation for a Detection of Tokamak Runaway Electrons with Energy up to a few MeVAlekseev, Boris Alexandrovich; Baksht, E.; Erofeev, M.; Lipatov, E.; Oleshko, Vladimir Ivanovich; Potylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich; Tarasenko, Victor Fedotovich; Vukolov, Artem Vladimirovich
2015Feasibility of resonant diffraction radiation from inclined gratings for a nondestructive beam diagnosticsPotylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich; Mkrtchan, Alpik Rafaelovich; Kocharian, Vagan Rashidovich; Novokshonov, A. I.
2015Generation of Cherenkov Radiation in Optical Fibers by 6-MEV Electrons. Geometry of Propagation and Light DecayVukolov, Artem Vladimirovich; Novokshonov, Artem Igorevich; Uglov, Sergey Romanovich; Potylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich
2019Generation of Monochromatic Radiation from a Multilayer Prismatic TargetNaumenko, Gennadiy Andreevich; Potylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich; Shevelev, Mihail Viktorovich; Shkitov, Dmitriy Andreevich; Popov, K. E.; Vukolov, Artem Vladimirovich
2019Influence of multiple scattering in target materials on angular distribution of Cherenkov radiationAlekseev, Boris Alexandrovich
2016Influence of temperature gradient on diffracted X-ray spectrum in quartz crystalMkrtchan (Mkrtchyan), Alpik Rafaelovich; Potylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich; Vukolov, Artem Vladimirovich; Novokshonov, Artem Igorevich; Gogolev, Aleksey Sergeevich; Amiragyan, R. V.; Movsisyan, A. E.
2019Manifestation of the Formation Length Effect for X-ray Transition Radiation by 1-6 GeV Electrons in Periodic Multifoil RadiatorsTrofymenko, S. V.; Nazhmudinov, R. M.; Shchagin, A. V.; Kubankin, A. S.; Potylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich; Gogolev, Aleksey Sergeevich; Filatov, Nikolay Alexandrovich; Kube, G.; Potylitsina-Kube, N. A.; Stanitzki, M.; Diener, R.; Novokshonov, A.
2019Measurement of 1-GeV Electrons Ionization loss Spectra in a CdTe Crystal with a Thickness of 1 mmShchagin, A. V.; Kubankin, A. S.; Nazhmudinov, R. M.; Trofymenko, S. V.; Potylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich; Gogolev, Aleksey Sergeevich; Filatov, Nikolay Alexandrovich; Kube, G.; Potylitsina-Kube, N. A.; Stanitzki, M.; Diener, R.; Novokshonov, A.