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Title: Measuring the dislocation density of VT1-0 titanium alloys with different content of hydrogen by x-ray diffraction method
Authors: Xu Shupeng
Kudiyarov, Victor Nikolaevich
Li Ke
Larionov, Vitaliy Vasilyevich
Keywords: плотность; дислокации; титановые сплавы; водород; дифракция; рентгеновские лучи
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: IOP Publishing Ltd.
Citation: Measuring the dislocation density of VT1-0 titanium alloys with different content of hydrogen by x-ray diffraction method / Xu Shupeng, V. N. Kudiyarov, Li Ke, V. V. Larionov // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — Bristol : IOP Publishing Ltd., 2019. — Vol. 668 : Metals and Alloys : 1st International Conference, 19–22 August 2019, Beijing, China. — [012006, 6 p.].
Abstract: In this study, the distributions of dislocation density with hydrogen concentration in titanium VT1-0 were obtained. The samples with different hydrogen concentrations was carried out by using the Sieverts method. The dislocation densities were obtained by using the full width at height medium calculations from the XRD results of Gaussian approximation fitting. For accurate calculation of the dislocation density in titanium alloys, the double-line separation phenomenon of the XRD results and the variation of the Burgers vector in different lattice directions were considered. The phenomenon of the double-line separation is more evident when the diffraction angle 20 is larger than 40°. The mean value of dislocation density for the different hydrogen concentrations is about 1013 ~ 1014 m-2 . Moreover, as the increases of hydrogen content in the titanium alloy, the dislocation density also increases.
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