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Отображение результатов 3106 до 3125 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2016The impact of pop music on the British youthГожин, А. Г.; Горкальцева, Елена Николаевна
2021Impact of radon and thoron levels on technosphere objects in the total urban environmentMac-Donald Prince; Adams, B.; Smirnov, S. V.; Abdullina, K.
2019Impact of renewable energy sources on relay protection operationAndreev, Mikhail Vladimirovich; Denisov, Maksim Aleksandrovich; Gusev, Alexander Sergeevich
2016Impact of slops flow on the process efficiency in the catalytic cracking reactorNazarova, Galina Yurievna; Stebeneva, V. I.; Kiselyova, S. V.
2017Impact of the ash deposits from coal combustion on thermal conditions of the furnace pipesSubbotin, Aleksandr Nikolaevich; Razov, Igor; Popova, Elena; Dolgikh, Aleksandr Yurievich; Mazanik, Anna
2017Impact of the Chemical Elements Upon the Convective Flows in the Molten Metal of the Weld PoolSarychev, V. D.; Chinakhov, Dmitriy Anatol'evich; Solodsky, Sergey Anatolievich; Granovskii, А. Yu.; Nevskii, S. А.
2017The impact of the information society on the customs relationsTroyan, Elena
2017The impact of the strategy of laser treatment on structure formation of steel in a state of pre-transformationGvozdev, A. E.; Minayev, I. V.; Tikhonova, I. V.; Sergeyev, A. N.; Chukanov, A. N.; Khonelidze, D. M.; Maliy, D. V.
2021Impact of ZrO2 additive on the microstructure, magnetic properties, and temperature dependence of the initial permeability of LiTiZn ferrite ceramicsMalyshev, Andrei Vladimirovich; Petrova, Anna Borisovna; Surzhikov, Anatoly Petrovich
2021Impacts of Uniform Magnetic Field and Internal Heated Vertical Plate on Ferrofluid Free Convection and Entropy Generation in a Square ChamberChinnasamy, Sivaraj; Gubin, Vladimir Evgenievich; Matveev, Aleksandr Sergeevich; Sheremet, Mikhail Aleksandrovich
2017Implementation of 14 bits floating point numbers of calculating units for neural network hardware developmentZoev, Ivan Vladimirovich; Beresnev, A. P.; Mytsko, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich; Malchukov, Andrey Nikolaevich
2016Implementation of a clinical decision support system for interpretation of laboratory tests for patientsKopanitsa, Georgy Dmitrievich
2020Implementation of a pilot sidetrack technology programYelubayev, D. Y.
2014Implementation of a solar-diesel power plant in decentralized area of the Republic of AltaiRomanenkov, A. I.; Matukhin, Dmitriy Leonidovich
2017Implementation of an Integrated Thermal Building Model for Investigations of Heat FlowsMorozov, Maksim Nikolaevich; Zhdanova, Alena Olegovna; Piskunov, Maksim Vladimirovich
2016Implementation of CDIO Approach in training engineering specialists for the benefit of sustainable developmentDaneykin (Daneikin), Yuri Viktorovich; Daneykina (Daneikina), Natalia Viktorovna; Sadchenko, Viktoriya Olegovna
2018Implementation Of Continuing Education Programs In The Process Of The International IntegrationZhuravleva, Irina; Kuznetsova, Olga; Kuznetsov, Vladimir; Galtseva, Olga Valerievna; Muratov, Kamil
2015Implementation of Federal Research Projects as a Tool to Enhance the Training Quality of Master's ProgramLarionov, Kirill Borisovich; Lavrinenko, Sergey Viktorovich; Gubin, Vladimir Evgenievich; Kitaev, Artem
2018Implementation of innovative methods of public administration systemimprovementUshakova, Natalia; Kamesheva, Sania
2019The implementation of post-processing algorithm for ultrasonic testing of weldsPetrov, I.; Vdovenko, A.; Dolmatov, Dmitry Olegovich; Sednev, Dmitry Andreevich