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Отображение результатов 3332 до 3351 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2017Influence of NaNA[3] and CuSO[4] catalytic additives on coal oxidation process kinetic dependenciesLarionov, Kirill Borisovich; Mishakov, Iljya Vladimirovich; Gromov, Alexandr; Zenkov, Andrey Viktorovich
2017Influence of Nanoparticles Deposition Conditions on the Microarc Coatings PropertiesChebodaeva, Valentina Vadimovna; Sedelnikova, M.; Sharkeev, Yury Petrovich
2016The influence of nickel layer thickness on microhardness and hydrogen sorption rate of commercially pure titanium alloyKudiyarov, Victor Nikolaevich; Kashkarov, Egor Borisovich; Syrtanov, Maksim Sergeevich; Yugova, I. S.
2016The influence of non-vacuum electron-beam facing on the structure of Ti-Ta layers formed on the surface of VT1-0 alloySamoylenko, V. V.; Lenivtseva, O. G.; Polyakov, I. A.; Laptev, I. S.; Martyushev, Nikita Vladimirovich
2007Influence of operational parameters on characteristics of pneumatic hammersGlazov, Alcon Naumovich
2019The influence of PAR irradiance on yield growth of Chlorella microalgaeTrofimchuk, Oksana Anatolyevna; Petikar, Pavel Viktorovich; Turanov, Sergey Borisovich; Romanenko, S. A.
2015Influence of peat formation conditions on the transformation of peat deposit organic matterSerebrennikova, Olga Viktorovna; Strelnikova, E. B.; Preis, Yu. I.; Duchko, Mariya Aleksandrovna
2015Influence of physical and chemical characteristics and forming conditions of clay raw materials in technology of clayditeТоропков, Н. Е.
2015Influence of physical and chemical characteristics and moulding conditions of clay matter in claydite technologyToropkov, N. E.
2015Influence of physical and chemical characteristics andmoulding conditions of clay matter in claydite technologyToropkov, N. E.
2016The influence of plasma parameters on the electron temperature and densityTsapkov, Alexander; Mukhametkaliev, Timur Mukhamedrashidovich; Evdokimov, Kirill Evgenievich; Surmeneva (Ryabtseva), Maria Alexandrovna; Surmenev, Roman Anatolievich
2016The influence of plasmon resonance on the decrease of resonatorless laser generation thresholdsDonchenko, Valery Anatoljevich; Zemlyanov, Aleksandr Anatoljevich; Zinovjev, Mikhail Mikhaylovich; Panamareva, Anna Nikolaevna; Kharenkov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich
2014Influence of porosity on the deformation behaviour of systems with nanostructured thermal barier coatingsMoiseenko, D. D.; Maksimov, P. V.; Panin, Viktor Evgenyevich; Sergeev, Viktor Petrovich; Panin, Sergey Viktorovich; Berto, F.
2014The influence of porosity on the elasticity and strength of alumina and zirconia ceramicsSavchenko, Nickolai; Sevostyanova, Irina; Sablina, Tatiana; Gomze, Laszlo; Kulkov, Sergey Nikolaevich
2020Influence of preceramic paper composition on microstructure and mechanical properties of spark plasma sintered Ti3SiC2-based compositesSedanova, Elizaveta Pavlovna; Kashkarov, Egor Borisovich; Syrtanov, Maksim Sergeevich; Abdullina, Kristina Rinatovna; Mingazova, Yuliya Rafailovna; Lider, Andrey Markovich; Travitsky (Travitzky), Nakhum
2017Influence of preliminary irradiation by gamma-quanta on development of catastrophic failures during operation of IR-LEDsGradoboev, Aleksandr Vasilyevich; Simonova, A. V.
2016Influence of preliminary irradiation by qamma-quanta on dvelopment of catastrofic failures during operation of IR-LEDsGradoboev, Aleksandr Vasilyevich; Simonova, Anastasiia
2015Influence of Protective Gas Content on Quality of Welded Joint While Welding With Impulse Supply of Electrode WirePavlov, Nikolay Viktorovich; Kryukov, Artem Viktorovich; Zernin, Evgeny Aleksandrovich; Gritsenko, V. V.
2018Influence of proton irradiation on structure and mechanical properties of nanoscale multilayer metallic Zr/Nb coatingKrotkevich, D. G.
2016Influence of pulse line switch inductance on output characteristics of high-current nanosecond acceleratorsMashchenko, Aleksandr Ivanovich; Vintizenko, Igor Igorevich