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Отображение результатов 3390 до 3409 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2016The influence of the dislocation distribution heterogeneity degree on the formation of a non-misoriented dislocation cell substructures in f.c.c. metalsCherepanov, Dmitry Nikolaevich; Selivanikova, Olga Valerievna; Matveev, M. V.
2018Influence of the duration of aging the system Ti/Al2O3 in a hydrogen atmosphere on hydrogen sorption, and electrical conductivity of the filmSypchenko, Vladimir Sergeevich; Kiseleva, Evgeniya Sergeevna; Sigfusson, Torsteinn Ingi; Lisichko, Elena Vladimirovna; Semkina, Lyudmila Iosifovna; Efremova, Nataliya Aleksandrovna; Rudkovskaya, Vera Fedorovna
2023The influence of the electron beam treatment on aluminum and iron nanopowdersBadamasi, N. M.
2016Influence of the energy fluence and the aluminum layer thickness on the ignition delay time of explosive materials by a laser pulseKhaneft, Aleksandr Villivich; Dolgachev, Vadim
2016Influence of the Geometry of Beveled Edges on the Stress-Strain State of Hydraulic CylindersBuyalich, G. B.; Anuchin, Aleksandr Vladimirovich; Serikov, K. P.
2013Influence of the high-power ion-beam irradiation of a hydroxyapatite target on the properties of formed calcium phosphate coatingsBleykher (Bleicher), Galina Alekseevna; Volokitina, Tatiana Leonidovna; Tverdokhlebov, Sergei Ivanovich
2016Influence of the Introduction of Carbon-Fluorine Additive to the Slag of the Production of Silicomanganese on the Weld Joint QualityKozyrev, N. А.; Krukov, R. Е.; Kozyreva, О. Е.; Zernin, Evgeny Aleksandrovich; Karthev, Dmitry Sergeevich
2014The influence of the layer sizes on the conversion regimes realizing at layered composite synthesisAligozhina, Kamila; Knyazeva, Anna Georgievna
2019The influence of the LED lighting on structural-functional parameters of lettuce plantsYamburov, M. S.; Volkomorov, V. V.; Rogaev, K. S.; Gorpinich, E. R.; Romanova, S. B.; Nevidomaya, M. V.; Zharnakova, E. Yu.; Burenina, A. A.; Astafurova, T. P.; Turanov, Sergey Borisovich
2017Influence of the local gas injection on the flow structure in the boundary layerMaslov, Evgeny Anatolievich; Savkina, Nadezhda; Zharova, Irina; Faraponov, Valery; Kozlov, Evgeny; Matskevich, Vladislav
2018The influence of the media on the level of speech culture in the modern societyKazak, V. D.
2022Influence of the Metal Surface Texture on the Possibility of Controlling the Phase Transition of Water Droplets in the Single-Phase RegimeGlushkov, Dmitry Olegovich; Orlova, Evgeniya Georgievna; Islamova, Anastasiya Gomilievna; Nikitin, Dmitry Sergeevich; Lyulin, Yury Vyacheslavovich; Feoktistov, Dmitriy Vladimirovich
2021The influence of the method of an arc discharge initiation on the product of plasma dynamic synthesis in the W-C systemSivkov, Aleksandr Anatolyevich; Nikitin, Dmitry Sergeevich; Shanenkov, Ivan Igorevich; Nassyrbayev, Artur; Rakhmatullin, Ilyas Aminovich
2007Influence of the method of synthesis on lead azide photolysisSurovoy, E. P.; Bugerko, L. N.; Rasmatova, S. V.
2015Influence of the Middle Class on Well-being of Older AdultsSpesivtseva, Anna Leonidovna
2007Influence of the modifying agent nano-powder of nickel on basic electrophysical characteristics of polyvinylidene fluorideGefle, O. S.; Lebedev, S. M.; Tkachenko, S. N.
2022Influence of the n-paraffin molecule hydrocarbon chain length in the composition of diesel fuel on the effectiveness of the depressantMorozova, Yana Pavlovna; Bogdanov, Ilya Aleksandrovich
2021Influence of the n-paraffins addition on the efficiency of the depressant for diesel fuel with various compositionsOrlova, А.
2017Influence of the near-surface water film thickness on the characteristics and conditions of water-coal fuel particles inflammationSyrodoy, Semen Vladimirovich; Taburchinov, Roman; Mikhaylova, Irina
2022Influence of the oxidizer on the formation and purification efficiency of acid gases produced during asphaltene gasificationДаминов, Айрат Заудатович; Ермолаев, Денис Васильевич; Ermolaev, Denis Vasilievich; Daminov, Airat Zaudatovich