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Отображение результатов 3468 до 3487 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2017Innovations Marketing System at EnterprisesSabirova, Diana Tagirovna; Kovalenko, Natalya Aleksandrovna; Davletgareev, Nail Rynadovich; Izvekova, Karina
2017Innovative activity and methods for innovative ideas evaluationZhdanov, K. M.; Sirazitdinova, Yuliya Shamilyevna; Chaika (Chayka), Yuliya Aleksandrovna
2017Innovative activity development at technical university (Russian characteristic aspects, problems and solution)Chmykhalo, Aleksandr Yurievich; Vtorushin, Nikolay Anatolievich; Derkach, Alena; Shmakova, Alina
2017An Innovative Approach to Education in the Context of Sustainable DevelopmentBurmistrova, Nataliya; Kormiltseva, Elena; Shmakova, Alexandra; Loshchilova, Marina Andreevna
2015Innovative approaches to ESL learning through the example of TPUStarikova, Nadezhda Sergeevna
2015Innovative Behavioral Models as a Method for a Social System Adaptation in the Unstable External EnvironmentNikitina, Yulia Anatolyevna
2016Innovative computer technologies as an implementer of active methods of trainingEfremova, Oksana Nikolaevna; Ivanova, Tatyana; Plotnikova, Inna Vasilievna; Chaykovskaya, Olga
2013Innovative customer loyalty programsKotel, N. M.; Котель, Н. М.
2017Innovative Forms of Partnership in Development and Implementation of University-Business CooperationSuzdalova, Marina Anatolievna; Lizunkov, Vladislav Gennadyevich; Malushko, Elena; Sytina, Nadezhda; Medvedev, Valentin
2019Innovative methods for socializing students with disabilitiesPeremitin, Fyodor
2016Innovative methods of teaching foreign language to engineering studentsПорутчиков, Б. Б.
2014Innovative methods of teaching master students at technical universityTimkina, K. V.
2015Innovative Power Systems and the Formation of the Creative Class in RussiaChmykhalo, Aleksandr Yurievich; Khaliulina, Vasilya; Abushaeva, Magipervas Enverovna
2018Innovative processes as basis of adaptation of elderly people to the equipmentChaplinskaya, Yana Igorevna; Kvesko, Raisa Bronislavovna; Shinn, T.
2016Innovative Technics of Managing Engineers' Global CompetenciesKhoreshok, Aleksey Alekseevich; Zhironkin, Sergey Aleksandrovich; Tyulenev, M. A.; Barysheva, Galina Anzelmovna; Blumenstein, V. Yu.; Hellmer, M. C.; Potyagailov, S. V.
2016Innovative Technologies And Modern Facilities In BeekeepingGaga, V. A.; Esaulov, Vladimir Nikolaevich
2018Inspecting aviation composites at the stage of airplane manufacturing by applying 'classical' active thermal NDT, ultrasonic thermography and laser vibrometryVavilov, Vladimir Platonovich; Derusova, Dariya Aleksandrovna; Chulkov, Arseniy Olegovich; Serioznov, A. N.; Bragin, A. A.
2015Institutions of Civil Society in Space of Democratic PoliticsZhuravleva, Irina Vladimirovna
2015Instructional Design of Foreign Language Blended CoursesProchorets (Prokhorets), Elena Konstantinowna; Plekhanova, Marina Viktorovna; Scherbinina, Nina
2017Instrumental evaluation of traction machines sparkingKolobashkin, Nikita; Dorzieva, Beligma; Beyerleyn, Evgeniy; Tyuteva, Polina Vasilievna; Cukublin, Anatoliy