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Отображение результатов 3564 до 3583 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2022Internship opportunities for international students studying under the nuclear power plants programMohamed Sayed
2022Interpretation of old chemical imagesАссаад, А. Н.; Мендоса, К. Р. М.; Ло, Ц.; Патз, М. О.
2019The interrelation between of the geometry of the channel of the flare discharge and energy characteristicsMyusova, A. E.; Lutsenko, Yuri Yurievich
2007Interrelation between properties of viscous oils and the level of thermal flux in territories of the Volgo-Uralskiy, Western Siberian and Timano-Pechorskiy poolsYaschenko, I. G.
2018Interrelation of the finger index and the development of subjectcognitive abilities of school childrenKaitova, S. M.; Dyo, I. R.; Arutyunyan, Sh. R.
2018Interstitial characteristic of the Popular Scientific Legal Internet Discourse (PSLID)Medvedev, Dmitry
2018Interval data fusion with preference aggregation in wireless sensor network: energy-accuracy trade-off in presence of outliersKhudonogova, Ludmila Igorevna; Muravyov (Murav’ev), Sergey Vasilyevich
2015The interval-parametric synthesis of a linear controller of speed control system of a descent submersible vehicleGaivoronsky, Sergey Anatolievich; Ezangina, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Khozhaev, Ivan Valerievich
2016Intramode wave packet with spectrum in the vicinity of zero frequency of the TM-mode group velocity of thin left-handed materialRahim, A. A. R.; Parafionova, E. S.; Litvinova, N. R.
2018Introduction of hydrogen into titanium by plasma methodsNikitenkov, Nikolai Nikolaevich; Dauletkhanov, Erkhat Dauletkhanuly; Tyurin, Yuri Ivanovich; Zhang Le; Sivin, Denis Olegovich; Sypchenko, Vladimir Sergeevich; Syrtanov, Maksim Sergeevich
2014Introduction of information systems at the enterprisesDyrina, E. N.
2020Inventive activity as the main component of engineering education: historical insightСанду, К. С.
2017An inventory model with random demandMitsel, Artur Aleksandrovich; Kritski, Oleg Leonidovich; Stavchuk, L. G.
2017The inverse stationary heat conduction problem for a cuboidYacenko, Konstantin; Rakov, Yuriy Yakovlevich; Slusarskiy (Slyusarsky), Konstantin Vitalievich
2016Invesigation of SiC ceramics, modified by intense electron beamPetyukevich, Mariya Stanislavovna; Ivanov, Yuri; Khasanov, Oleg Leonidovich; Polisadova, Valentina Valentinovna; Khasanov, Aleksey Olegovich; Teresov, Anton
2016Investigating cockney English as a slang of eastern part of LondonBumagin, O. V.
2016Investigating student's international education through a university's mass sport activities as a scientific-educational problemSmyshlyaeva, K. A.; Minin, Mikhail Grigoryevich; Mikhaylova (Mikhailova), Olga Vladimirovna
2018Investigating the characteristics of various biomass applied to fuel-burning technologiesIbraeva, K. T.; Manaev, Yu. O.; Khaustov, Sergey Aleksandrovich; Tabakaev, Roman Borisovich
2020Investigation and comparison of gamma backround around Tomsk polytechnic university (TPU) buildingAdams Benjamin. A.; Sergeev, M. V.; Mac-Donald Prince
2016Investigation Converter Circuit "Voltage-Current" for Power CalibratorFomichev, Yury Mikhailovich; Silushkin, Stanislav Vladimirovich; Larioshina, Irina Anatolievna