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Отображение результатов 479 до 498 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2007Application of probability methods to research of one type of exotic options in diffusion model (B, S)- of the financial marketAnikina, А. V.; Demin, N. S.; Rozhkova, Svetlana Vladimirovna
2016Application of Pulsed Heat Balance Method for Determining the Characteristics of Construction MaterialsTroitsky, Oleg Yurievich; Medvedev, Valery Vasilievich; Chernova, G. S.
2016Application of radiometric methods for minerals studyKundich, D. D.; Chursin, Stanislav Sergeevich
2007Application of random search algorithms at optimization of electric energy quality in networks of stationary railway enterprisesAvilov, V. D.; Tretyakov, E. A.; Moskalev, Yu. V.
2015Application of reconfigurable computing environments for image processing in X-ray tomography of materialsShashev, D. V.; Shidlovskiy, Stanislav Viktorovich; Syriamkin, V. I.; Yurchenko, Aleksey Vasilievich
2016Application of remote sensing techniques to the study of technogenic catastrophesMelnikovich, E. A.; Volodina, Dariya Nikolaevna
2015Application of secondary ion mass spectrometer for measuring the diffusion profiles in alkali-halide crystalsChernyavski (Chernyavskiy), Aleksandr Viktorovich; Kaz, M. S.
2007Application of singular spectrum analysis for extracting weakly defined trendsKashkin, V. B.; Rubleva, T. V.
2007Application of sorption and membrane methods in the process of water purification from diclofenacVlasov, А. V.; Vergun, А. P.
2015Application of spark plasma sintering for fabricating Nd-Fe-B compositeSivkov, Aleksandr Anatolyevich; Ivashutenko, Alexander Sergeevich; Lomakina, A. A.
2016The application of stable isotopes of rare elementsKeneshova, Zh. A.; Zakharova, Yu. A.
2021Application of standard ZET-algorithm for gaps filling in wide area measurement system data assetsBatseva, Natalya Lenmirovna; Foos, Yuliya Alekseevna
2016Application of strongly focused pulsed electron beam for the reaction wheels balancingBorduleva, Alena Olegovna; Bleykher (Bleicher), Galina Alekseevna; Solovjyov, Vasily Vladimirovich; Krivobokov, Valery Pavlovich; Babikhina (Babihina), Mariya Nikolaevna
2017Application of the "Fishbone" Technology in the Organization of Independent Work of Students in Higher MathematicsUstinova, Irina Georgievna; Podberezina, Elena Ivanovna; Shefer, Yuliya Sergeevna
2015The application of the analytic hierarchy process when choosing layout schemes for a geokhod pumping stationChernukhin, Roman Vladimirovich; Dronov, Anton Anatolievich; Blashchuk, Mikhail Yurievich
2018Application of the BigPanDa workload management system to support distributed supercomputer-based computing in neuroscienceDe, K.; Klimentov, A.; Mashinistov, R.; Novikov, A.
2021Application of the Electrochemical Permeation Method for Hydrogen Diffusion Coefficient Determination in Pipeline Steel 10G2Borodin, Vladislav Ivanovich; Lun-Fu, Aleksandr Viktorovich; Kudiyarov, Victor Nikolaevich; Lider, Andrey Markovich; Sakvin, Ivan; Bubenchikov, Mikhail Alekseevich; Kaparulin, Dmitry Sergeevich; Ovchinnikov, Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich
2017Application of the Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) for development of a financial organization ontologyPetrova, G. G.; Tuzovskiy, Anatoliy Fedorovich; Aksenova, Nataliya Valerievna
2018Application of the magnetic fluid as a detector for changing the magnetic fieldZyatkov, D.; Yurchenko, Aleksey Vasilievich; Yurchenko, V.; Balashov, V.
2021Application of the migration method for radiotomography of breast cancerEremeev, Aleksandr Ivanovich; Vasin, Vasily Vitaljevich; Satarov, Rail Nailevich; Shipilova, Svetlana Sergeevna