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Title: Taxation issues facing small business in the Russian Federation
Authors: Zenkov, I. A.
Keywords: economic growth; small business; малый бизнес; налоговые льготы; экономический рост; система налогообложения
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Томский политехнический университет
Citation: Zenkov I. A. Taxation issues facing small business in the Russian Federation / I. A. Zenkov // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. — 2017. — № 10. — [4 p.].
Abstract: The paper outlines the issues related to the taxing facing small businesses in the Russian Federation. The foreign experience concerning the effectiveness of small business taxation was also studied. The relevance relates to the study of the issues of small business development in Russia and the economy as a whole. The purpose of the work is to analyze foreign experience in the sphere of small business management and to solve some problems of its development in Russia. Research methods are descriptive, analytical, and structural method that allowed analyzing the existing foreign practices in the sphere of supporting and functioning of small business abroad as well as problems preventing the development of small business in Russia. The paper examines some problems of taxation facing small enterprises. The foreign experience of tax system functioning of small enterprises is analyzed. Comparing the basic principles of the functioning of tax systems in Russia and abroad, the main tasks of reforming modern taxation in Russia are identified.
ISSN: 2312-2978
Appears in Collections:Journal of Economics and Social Sciences

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