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Title: The components of the social environment of a modern university affecting on a personal professional development: the experience of foreign countries
Authors: Emelyanenko, Ekaterina
Keywords: foreign system of higher professional education; professional development of student's personality; students; components of the social environment; Social environment of the university; зарубежные системы; высшее профессиональное образование; студенты; социальная среда; университеты
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Томский политехнический университет
Citation: Emelyanenko E. E. The components of the social environment of a modern university affecting on a personal professional development: the experience of foreign countries / E. E. Emelyanenko // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. — 2018. — № 13. — [4 p.].
Abstract: This paper discusses the influence of the social environment of the university on the process of students’ professional development. The paper reveals the concept of «the social environment of the university», describes the main elements existed in higher education. The aim of the study is to identify the components of the social environment of the university affecting the professional development and the formation of the student’s personality in higher education. Based on the analysis of foreign universities some components of the social environment of the university have been identified: value-oriented, relational, informational and spatial. The paper is aimed at sociologists, teachers, and psychological researchers, involved in the professional development of specialists in higher education
Appears in Collections:Journal of Economics and Social Sciences

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