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Просмотр коллекции (Дата публикации по убыванию): 221 - 240 из 620
По дате сохраненияНазваниеАвторы
4-мая-2022Hardware and Software Implementation for Solar Hot Water System in Northern Regions of RussiaTsvetkov, Nikolay; Boldyrev, Stanislav; Shilin, Aleksandr Anatoljevich; Krivoshein, Yuriy Olegovich; Tolstykh, Aleksandr Vital'yevich
4-мая-2022On the Effect of the Distances between Coal and Wood Particles during Their Joint Pyrolysis on Sulfur Oxides FormationYankovsky, Stanislav Aleksandrovich; Tolokolnikov, Anton Andreevich; Misyukova, Albina Dmitrievna; Kuznetsov, Geny Vladimirovich
4-мая-2022Justification of the Energy Use of Cedar Husk Waste as an Environmentally Friendly Additive for Co-Combustion with CoalYankovsky, Stanislav Aleksandrovich; Tolokolnikov, Anton Andreevich; Berezikov, Nikolay Igorevich; Gubin, Vladimir Evgenievich
4-мая-2022Synchronized Two-Camera Laser Monitor for Studying Combusting Powder SystemsLin Li; Gubarev, Fedor Aleksandrovich; Mostovshchikov, Andrey Vladimirovich
4-мая-2022Solid Energetic Material Based on Aluminum Micropowder Modified by Microwave RadiationMostovshchikov, Andrey Vladimirovich; Gubarev, Fedor Aleksandrovich; Chumerin, Pavel Yurievich; Arkhipov, Vladimir; Kuznetsov, Valery Tikhonovich; Dubkova, Yana Aleksandrovna
4-мая-2022MBMQA: A Multicriteria-Aware Routing Approach for the IoT 5G Network Based on D2D CommunicationTilwari, Valmik; Hindia, MHD Nour; Dimyati, Kaharudin; Dzhayakodi (Jayakody) Arachshiladzh, Dushanta Nalin Kumara; Solanki, Sourabh; Sinha, Rashmi Sharan; Hanafi, Effariza
4-мая-2022Family of Asymptotic Solutions to the Two-Dimensional Kinetic Equation with a Nonlocal Cubic NonlinearityShapovalov, Aleksandr Vasiljevich; Kulagin, Anton Evgenievich; Sinyukov, Sergey Aleksandrovich
4-мая-2022Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy Study of Metallic Materials after High-Speed CuttingLi Jinquan; Laptev, Roman Sergeevich; Bordulev, Yuri Sergeevich; Semek, Kshishtof; Horodek, Pawel; Shen, Haolun; Lomygin, Anton; Cui Jian
4-мая-2022A Laser Reduced Graphene Oxide Grid Electrode for the Voltammetric Determination of CarbarylSaqib, Muhammad; Dorozhko, Elena Vladimirovna; Barek, Jiri; Vyskocil, Vlastimil; Korotkova, Elena Ivanovna; Shabalina, Anastasiya Valerjevna
4-мая-2022Key Areas of Gas Hydrates Study: ReviewGaydukova, Olga Sergeevna; Misyura, Sergey Yakovlevich; Strizhak, Pavel Alexandrovich
4-мая-2022Justification of the Reduction Possibility of Sulfur Oxides and Fly Ash Emissions during Co-Combustion of Coal and Waste from Woodworking EnterprisesYankovsky, Stanislav Aleksandrovich; Tolokolnikov, Anton Andreevich; Gorshkov, Aleksandr Sergeevich; Misyukova, Albina Dmitrievna; Kuznetsov, Geny Vladimirovich
4-мая-2022Aortography Keypoint Tracking for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Based on Multi-Task LearningDanilov, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich; Klyshnikov, Kirill Yurjevich; Gerget, Olga Mikhailovna; Skirnevsky, Igor Petrovich; Kutikhin, Anton Gennadievich; Shilov, Aleksandr; Ganuykov, Vladimir; Ovcharenko, Evgeny Andreevich
4-мая-2022Semiclassical Approach to the Nonlocal Kinetic Model of Metal Vapor Active MediaShapovalov, Aleksandr Vasiljevich; Kulagin, Anton Evgenievich
4-мая-2022Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells as a Carrier for a Cell-Mediated Drug DeliveryLitvinova, L. S.; Shupletsova, Valeria; Khaziakhmatova, O. G.; Daminova, A. G.; Kudryavtseva, V. L.; Yurova, K. A.; Malashchenko, V. V.; Todosenko, Natalia; Popova, Valentina Aleksandrovna; Litvinov, R. I.; Korotkova, Elena Ivanovna; Sukhorukov, Gleb; Gow, Andrew; Weissman, D.; Atochina-Vasserman, E. N.; Khlusov, Igor Albertovich
4-мая-2022Activation of Anthracite Combustion Using Pyrolysis Oil from Thermal Conversion of Waste Car TiresLarionov, Kirill Borisovich; Slyusarsky, Konstantin Vitalievich; Tsibulskiy, Svyatoslav Anatolievich; Kaltaev, Albert; Berezikov, Nikolay Igorevich; Gorshkov, Aleksandr Sergeevich; Lavrinenko, Sergey Viktorovich; Gubin, Vladimir Evgenievich
4-мая-2022Development of a Two-Fluid Hydrodynamic Model for a Riser ReactorVorobjev, Anatoly Mikhaylovich; Antonov, Artem Viktorovich; Ivashkina, Elena Nikolaevna; Ivanchina, Emilia Dmitrievna; Chuzlov, Vyacheslav Alekseevich; Kaliev, Toleubek Arystanbekovich
4-мая-2022Effect of the Power-Frequency Electromagnetic Field on the Physicochemical Properties of Aluminum Micro- and NanopowdersMostovshchikov, Andrey Vladimirovich; Tikhonov, Dmitry Vladimirovich; Prikhodko, Yuliya Sergeevna
4-мая-2022Mathematical Simulation of Forest Fuel Pyrolysis and Crown Forest Fire Impact for Forest Fire Danger and Risk AssessmentBaranovskiy, Nikolay Viktorovich; Kirienko, Viktoriya Andreevna
4-мая-2022Simulators for Designing Energy-Efficient Power Supplies Based on Solar PanelsRekutov, Oleg Gennadjevich; Surkov, Michael Aleksandrovich; Lyapunov, Danil Yurievich; Muravlev, Aleksey Igorevich; Pravikova, A. A.; Yudintsev, Anton Genadjevich; Rulevsky, Viktor Mikhaylovich; Bubnov, Oleg Vladimirovich; Pchelnikov, Viktor Alekseevich
7-дек-2021Palaeo-environmental evolution of Central Asia during the Cenozoic: new insights from the continental sedimentary archive of the Valley of Lakes (Mongolia)Baldermann, Andre; Wasser, Oliver; Abdullayev, Elshan; Bernasconi, Stefano; Lohr, Stefan; Wemmer, Klaus; Piller, Werner; Rudmin, Maksim Andreevich; Richoz, Sylvain
Просмотр коллекции (Дата публикации по убыванию): 221 - 240 из 620