Journal of Economics and Social Sciences : [354] Главная страница коллекции Статистика

ISSN 2312-2978

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Просмотр коллекции (Дата публикации по убыванию): 121 - 140 из 354
По дате сохраненияНазваниеАвторы
25-дек-2017American Tourism Industry: Current TrendsAlmeda Moree-Sanders; Ilinskaya, Anastasia
25-дек-2017Formation of the regional forest cluster in the Tomsk regionKalioujny, Boris
25-дек-2017The modern pedagogical education in the context of socio-philosophical studiesSantotskaya, Ksenia; Lyba, Alla
25-дек-2017The concept of "wellbeing of older people"Smagulov, Maksat; Kashchuk, Irina Vadimovna
25-дек-2017Analysis and segmentation of market gadgets for a better night's sleepSabirova, Diana Tagirovna; Sorokin, Ivan
25-дек-2017Social orientation of banksBabyshev, Vyacheslav
25-дек-2017The contract system in agriculture as an instrument for economic security and sustainable development in the regionVlyubchak, Andrew
25-дек-2017"A writer's diary" of F.M. Dostoevsky in the Russian and German reception. On the problem definitionLilenko, Irina; Litvintseva, Anastasiya; Malikov, Alexey; Prokopenko, Valentin
25-дек-2017Crime and Punishment by F.M. Dostoevsky in Germany: The Role of Publishing HousesGolovacheva, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
25-дек-2017Term Formation Processes and its main features in Chinese language (based on terminology of automotive industry)Baranov, Mikhail; Kraevskaya, Irina
25-дек-2017Features of teaching Russian as a foreign language on the basis of local history textsSkripchenko, Natalja
25-дек-2017Directions of myth research in video gamesKnyazeva, Elena; Galanina, Ekaterina Vladimirovna
25-дек-2017Correct evaluation of Social PolicyOgunlana Ayodele Oludare; Nedospacova, Olga
25-дек-2017Burnout, alienation, sense in the context of consideration of professional health rightsReznikova, Alina
25-дек-2017The theoretical basis of the assessment and management of the activity of enterprise efficiencyKhoroshiltsev, M. I.
5-окт-2017The analysis of strategies of the applicants engaging in the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic UniversityKraeva, E. K.; Lykyanov, Danil
5-окт-2017Analyzing the actions of the Administration of Novy Vasyugan rural settlementMartynov, I. A.; Tokmasheva, D. D.
5-окт-2017Legal aspects in the legislation of roboticsKremlev, I. A.; Vymyatnina, D. V.
5-окт-2017Green energy in the service of mankindPochufarov, A. O.
5-окт-2017CERN as an international scientific collaborationSirazitdinova, Yuliya Shamilyevna; Omelchenko, A. M.; Chaika (Chayka), Yuliya Aleksandrovna
Просмотр коллекции (Дата публикации по убыванию): 121 - 140 из 354