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Title: Microbiological Quality Control of Probiotic Products
Authors: Astashkina, Anna Pavlovna
Khudyakova, L. I.
Kolbysheva, Yuliya Vladimirovna
Keywords: микробиологический контроль; качество; продукты; пробиотические продукты; живые культуры; микроорганизмы; пастеризация; пищевые продукты; лактобациллы; бифидобактерии; probiotic products; functional foodstuffs; lactobacilli; bifidobacteria
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Astashkina, Anna Pavlovna. Microbiological Quality Control of Probiotic Products [Electronic resource] / A. P. Astashkina, L. I. Khudyakova, Yu. V. Kolbysheva // Procedia Chemistry . — 2014 . — Vol. 10 : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in XXI century . — [P. 74-79] .
Abstract: Microbiological quality control of probiotic products such as Imunele, Dannon, Pomogayka showed that they contain living cultures of the Lactobacillus Bifidobacterium genus in the amount of 107 CFU/ml, which corresponds to the number indicated on the label of products. It is identified that the survival rate of test-strains cultured with pasteurized products does not exceed 10%. The cell concentration of target-microorganisms was reduced by 20-45% after the interaction with living probiotic bacteria. Thus, the yogurt Activia has the most antagonistic activity.
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