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Отображение результатов 2626 до 2645 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2014Formation of NiO/YSZ anode layer on the surface of solid oxide fuel cell carrier metal baseBorduleva, Alena Olegovna; Kovalchuk, Anastasia Nikolaevna; Ionov, Igor Vyacheslavovich
2007Formation of phase structure in the system Ti-3Al at the stage of secondary structurization at synthesis in the mode of thermal explosionFilimonov, V. Yu.; Loginova, M. V.
2015Formation of security portfolio ta the level of risk aversion and degree of trust to management companyМастерова, Е. В.
2007Formation of semantic metadata for the objects of knowledge control systemTuzovskiy, А. F.
2017Formation of Social Competencies and Socially Responsible Thinking of StudentsBelousov, Artyom; Redko, Lyudmila Anatolevna; Tichonova, Evgeniya; Yanushevskaya, Marina Nikolaevna
2018Formation of socially responsible relations system as condition of growth in well-beingYakimova, Tatiana Borisovna; Artcer, Tatiana Vladimirovna
2016Formation of students’ communicative and intercultural competence via the internetPrismotrov, K. V.
2022Formation of terminology in the fields of astronomy, nuclear physics and geology in modern English: structural aspectЗяблова, Наталия Николаевна; Мелконян, С. А.
2015Formation of the composition and properties of dumps on the open-pit mines of KuzbassLesin, Yury Vasilievich; Lukyanova, S. Y.; Tyuleneva, M. A.
2018Formation of the groundwater chemical composition under aerotechnogenic impact (The Kola Peninsula)Vorobjeva (Vorobeva), Darjya Andreevna
2016Formation of the Professional Competence of a student within the framework of the problem-oriented approach to trainingPolitsinskaya, Ekaterina Viktorovna; Sushko, Anastasiya Viktorovna; Semerenko, I. A.
2017Formation of the regional forest cluster in the Tomsk regionKalioujny, Boris
2019Formation of the silicon coating on the NiTi substrate by magnetron sputteringiLuchin, A. V.; Krukovskii, K. V.; Kashin, O. A.
2015Formation of the surface alloys by high-intensity pulsed electron beam irradiation of the coating/substrate systemIvanov, Yu. F.; Petrikova, E. A.; Teresov, A. D.; Krysina, O. V.; Rygina, M. E.
2017Formation problems of consolidated budget income in the Russian Federation in terms of Tomsk regionTatarnikova, Valeriya
2014Formation problems of economy in RussiaBadrutdinova, D. R.; Бадрутдинова, Д. Р.
2016Formation Structural Phase Gradients in Rail Steel During Long-Term OperationIvanov, Yuriy Fedorovich; Morozov, K. V.; Peregudov, O.; Gromov, V. E.; Popova, N. A.; Nikonenko, E. N.
2016Formation Wear Resistant Coatings on Martensite Steel Hardox 450 by Welding MethodsKonovalov, S. V.; Kormyshev, V. E.; Nevskii, S. A.; Ivanov, Yuriy Fedorovich; Gromov, V. E.
2017Former of Turn Trajectory of Sliding Valve Shaft of Gas LineDementyev, Vladislav; Gusev, Nikolay Vladimirovich; Koyain, Nikolay Vadimovich; Shiryaev, Sergey
2016Forming a single layer of a composite powder based on the Ti-Nb system via selective laser melting (SLM)Saprykin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; Sharkeev, Yury Petrovich; Ibragimov, Egor Arturovich; Babakova, Elena Vladimirovna; Dudikhin, D. V.