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Отображение результатов 2640 до 2659 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2017Formation problems of consolidated budget income in the Russian Federation in terms of Tomsk regionTatarnikova, Valeriya
2014Formation problems of economy in RussiaBadrutdinova, D. R.; Бадрутдинова, Д. Р.
2016Formation Structural Phase Gradients in Rail Steel During Long-Term OperationIvanov, Yuriy Fedorovich; Morozov, K. V.; Peregudov, O.; Gromov, V. E.; Popova, N. A.; Nikonenko, E. N.
2016Formation Wear Resistant Coatings on Martensite Steel Hardox 450 by Welding MethodsKonovalov, S. V.; Kormyshev, V. E.; Nevskii, S. A.; Ivanov, Yuriy Fedorovich; Gromov, V. E.
2017Former of Turn Trajectory of Sliding Valve Shaft of Gas LineDementyev, Vladislav; Gusev, Nikolay Vladimirovich; Koyain, Nikolay Vadimovich; Shiryaev, Sergey
2016Forming a single layer of a composite powder based on the Ti-Nb system via selective laser melting (SLM)Saprykin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; Sharkeev, Yury Petrovich; Ibragimov, Egor Arturovich; Babakova, Elena Vladimirovna; Dudikhin, D. V.
2016Forming Completely Penetrated Welded T-joints when Pulsed Arc WeldingKrampit, Nataliya Yurievna; Krampit, Maksim Andreevich; Sapozhkov, A. S.
2018Forming Composite Financial Indicator For Company Ranging In Oil And Gas ComplexBalandina, A. S.; Andrienko, E. A.; Andrienko, Oleg Vladimirovich; Pichigina, Z. S.; Budlova, T. U.
2015Forming engineers' sociocultural competence: Engineering ethics at Tomsk polytechnic universityGalanina, Ekaterina Vladimirovna; Dulson, Alfred Andreewitsch; Schwab, A.
2015Forming Linguistic Competence of Foreign Students at the Preparatory Department of a Technical UniversityEfremova, Oksana Nikolaevna; Plotnikova, Inna Vasilievna; Ustyuzhanina, Anna Konstantinovna
2018Forming Numerical Model For Calculating Optimal Tax Rate For Resolving Stakeholders' InterestsBannova, Kristina Alekseevna; Aktaev, Nurken Erbolatovich
2016Forming of long nanosecond pulses with a rectangular envelope in a compact active microwave pulse compressorArtemenko, Sergey Nikolaevich; Igumnov, Vladislav Sergeevich; Gorev, Stanislav Andreevich
2017Forming system of strategic innovation management at high-tech engineering enterprisesErgunova, О. Т.; Lizunkov, Vladislav Gennadyevich; Malushko, E. Yu.; Marchuk, Veronika Ivanovna; Ignatenko, A. Yu.
2016Forming the Composition of Underground Coal Gasification Products in the Simulation of Various Heat and Mass Transfer Conditions in the Coal SeamMasanik, A. S.; Subbotin, Aleksandr Nikolaevich; Tarasanov, A. S.
2007Forms of chemical elements migration in underground waters of the river Katun basin in its average currentLokhanova, Yu. Yu.; Rasskazov, N. M.
2015Forward and backward diffraction radiation of relativistic electrons in a dielectric targetsNaumenko, Gennadiy Andreevich; Popov, Yuriy Anatolevich; Shevelev, Mihail Viktorovich
2014The foundation of the companyOcheretin, K. G.; Очеретин, К. Г.
2016The Foundations of Human Pro-Social Behaviour: Some Economic AspectsFrolova, Elena Aleksandrovna; Malanina, Veronika Anatolievna
2017The Foundations of the Development of Technologies of the Synthesis of RadiopharmaceuticalsLarkina, M.; Podrezova, Ekaterina Vladimirovna; Bragina, O.; Stasyuk, Elena Sergeyevna; Yusubov, Mekhman Suleiman-Ogly (Suleimanovich); Chernov, Vladimir Ivanovich; Zelchan, Roman Vladimirovich; Skuridin, Viktor Sergeyevich; Belousov, M.; Deev, Sergey Mikhaylovich
2019Fourth Industrial Revolution: knowledge and skills needed foremployeesEmelyanenko, Ekaterina