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Title: Brand as a part of the strategic development of higher education institution
Authors: Dementeva, E. E.
Kosov, V. B.
Chaika (Chayka), Yuliya Aleksandrovna
Дементьева, Е. Е.
Косов, Владимир Борисович
Чайка, Юлия Александровна
Keywords: брендинг; высшее образование; образование; бренды; конкурентоспособность
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Томский политехнический университет
Citation: Dementeva E. E. Brand as a part of the strategic development of higher education institution / E. E. Dementeva, V. B. Kosov, Yu. A. Chaika (Chayka) // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. — 2015. — № 7. — [3 p.].
Abstract: Branding of education has become an increasingly topical issue; therefore, managers of higher education institutions need to find additional opportunities to make education institutions more competitive and branded. The author considers the questions of necessity of formation and maintenance of an educational brand and its specificity. The article reflects the basic concepts of branding and the main components, which should be included in the educational brand (a unique system of brand signs, the product itself or educational service, the image of the university and the mission and values expressed in the form of promises any benefits). All of this in fact is a brand identity. The article concludes that branding helps education institutions to survive in the competitive market, thus forming the added value to the institution's image.
Актуальность исследования обусловлена возрастающей конкуренцией в сфере высшего образования, когда формирование и поддержание бренда - залог стратегического развития вуза. В данной работе автор рассматривает и обосновывает необходимость формирования образовательного бренда и его специфику. В статье отражены основные понятия брендинга и ключевые компоненты, которые должны быть включены в образовательный бренд.
ISSN: 2312-2978
Appears in Collections:Journal of Economics and Social Sciences

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